Wednesday 23 May 2012

football week 7 my preformance in all lessons

my preformance in all lessons i believe have been very good as i have been able to complete the task with a lot of the tme a fair bit of ease as the lessons werent very hard. the lesson i found the hardest was the shooting as i found out my technique was consistant enough so i had to tweak it a touch so i could be more consistant when i was ob goal. i did this by analysing my own work and look what went wrong then tried to change it to make iit more consistant. my easiest leeson was the ball control on the floor and passing as i already knew how to do it so it was just practice to me so i could improve to make it more consistant for my preformance on the pitch

football week 6 observation of phil

skill  1 2 3 4 5 6
shooting     x      
passing    x        
rules   x        
ball control in the air     x      
ball control on the floor    x        
tactics    x        
goal keeping     x      

phillips strengths were his passing as 8/10 times his passing was very accurate and help the teamout in a match. if phil was going to try and impove some of his skills it would be his shooting as half of the time he got a good shot on goal however he didnt use the same technique consistantly enough to use it effectivly in a match as he couldnt be the most reliable.

football week 5 observational checklist

skill  12345
shooting   x        
passing  x          
rules     x      
ball control in the air     x      
ball control on the floor    x        
tactics  x          
goal keeping       x  

excellent = 1 poor = 6

football week 4 my strengths and weaknesses

my stengths would be my passing and the range of passing as i improved this by practicing this a lot when i was young and recapping this in the lesson to improve. the weight of passing has improved as i evenually worked out how to judge the pace i needed to put in it

my weakness would be controling the ball in flight with my foot as i find it hard to judge how to do it. if i was to try and improve it i would have to get someone to throw the ball from diffrent angles in the air so i can improve it to get it up to the overall of my footballing standard.

football week 3 shooting and small sided games

today we learnt how to shoot to score a goal, this is good to do as it helped you improve your power of the shot. so the technique was important as it helped you kick it properly and get your accuracy better to score a goal. in the video i miised my shot because my accuracy want good as i got my technique wrong so i improved it by trying again and i scored a good goal.
in the end i didnt find it hard to do as i learnt how to improve my accuracy and keep a shot down by getting over the shot.

football week 2 passing and recieving the ball

today we did passing a recieving the ball, so we did passing over a range of distances eg 10 yard and when we were good at that we covered a bigger diffrence.when we recieved the ball we controled like we learnt in the first week we got it out our feet so we could pass it back. when we did this well with our favourate foot we praciticed doing it with our weaker foot so i used my right foot as i am left footed.

i found the skills easy to do as i used to play for a football team so i used to do it every week however it was good to go over it as i hadnt done it for a while and i didnt do it perfectly and i improved again with  the overall long range of passing.

Handball rule
In Fifa's Laws of the Game 2005, Law 12 says a free-kick or penalty will be awarded if a player "handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area)". Page 67 of the document gives "additional information for referees, assistant referees and fourth officials". It adds: "Referees are reminded that deliberately handling the ball is normally punished only by a direct free-kick or penalty kick if the offence occurred inside the penalty area. "A caution or dismissal is not normally required."
Offside rule
 Offside is a law in football which states that if a player is in an offside position when the ball is touched or played by a teammate, he may not become actively involved in the play. A player is in an offside position if he is closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-to-last defender (which is usually the last outfield player), but only if the player is on his opponent's half of the pitch. "Offside position" is a matter of fact, whereas committing an "offside offence" occurs when the a player is "actively involved" which is subject to the interpretation of the referee. Goals scored after committing an offside offence are nullified if caught by the referee.
the equipment  used is cornerflags, pitch markings, football, goals, linesmenand a ref
the scoring sytems is to try not concede a goal and to score more than your opponet to win the 3 points avalible and if you score or have the same score eg. 0-0 or 3-3 you gain 1 point and if you loose you gain no points

Wednesday 9 May 2012

football week- 1 ball control

week 1 ball control

today we looked at ball control, so we passed the ball over different distances and we tried to control the ball in diffrent ways eg. on the floor with the side foot, in the air the side foot, in the air with your thigh and with your chest. i learnt how to do theses by lookng at videos from the like of leonal messi and other role models.this is the video i watched to improve my control.

   The teacher also helped me improve my ball control as he gave me lots of pointers. if i was going to try and improve my ball control more i would practice often and get some coaching.